Chinese Vocabularies

Short Chinese Stories for Kids with #Pinyin subtitles 小羊上山 Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain

Short Chinese Stories for Kids with #Pinyin subtitles 小羊上山 Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain

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Level 3 Volumn 3 第三级第十册: 3.《#小黑不见了》Little Black is Missing with #pinyin subtitles - #小羊上山 The Little Sheep Up the Mountain Children's Chinese Book

#小羊上山儿童汉语分级读物 第3级 #Chinese Picture Stories for Kids #中文分级阅读绘本,无痛识字|《#小羊上山》!孩子爱读,妈妈认可!

Chinese Graded Reading Picture Books, Painless Character Recognition | 'Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain'! Loved by Kids, Approved by Moms!


对应的《小羊上山儿童汉语分级读物 第3级》,故事生动丰富且寓教于乐,涵盖原创故事、经典童话、科普和生活类故事,相比前两级,故事主题更加深刻、认知难度增加,体裁更加丰富,增加了日记体和传统的对对子等,插画细腻有质感,使孩子在快乐的阅读中潜移默化地学会适合他年龄的汉字,帮助孩子收获自信心和成就感,形成热爱阅读、自主阅读的好习惯。 更丰富的新增内容:《小羊上山儿童汉语分级读物》第3级,新增加了60个汉字,使用180个儿童阅读常用核心字精心创作了10个独立的故事。

第3级共10册,页数由24页扩充至32页,故事篇幅更长,句子长度、阅读难度、阅读文字量均有所增加。 很强的专业性:真正零起点,孩子认180个汉字就可以读前3级30个故事,认识十几个汉字就可以实现“整体认读”;用生活、学习中的常用汉字来设定各级字表,字表专业,无缝对接小学语文课本;各级之间上升坡度小,读中“熟字”夹生字,认字压力小;方法巧妙有趣,得到10余位教育界、儿童文学界、绘本界专家联袂推荐! 很高的文学性:故事均由经验颇丰的绘本作者和童书编辑打磨,主题丰富且贴近生活,10个故事包含亲情、成长、勇气、智慧等深刻的主题,帮助孩子通过阅读成为更好的自己。 更加丰富的体裁:从第3级开始,孩子可以读到更多的文学体裁,如日记体、传统的对对子等。 很强的艺术性:力邀国内外一线童书插画师精心创作,比如屡获大奖的中国插画师闫文丽、波兰插画师埃娃·波克列夫斯卡等,插画细腻有质感,颜色清新富有童趣,极大提高孩子的阅读兴趣和艺术审美! 丰富的多维互动:每册书后另附识字小游戏、总字表、超纲字表、手工互动页和奖状页,方便孩子的自我检测,让孩子收获满满的成就感。图书还附赠家长指导手册,给与家长科学的方法指导。 线上小程序提供海量辅助学习资源:凡是购买正版图书的读者只要微信扫码,即可享受海量的线上学习资源,比如阅读能力测评、拓展练习、配套音频课、主编视频指导课、专家指导文章、经验分享文章、咨询服务等。

The Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain: Children's Graded Chinese Readers" is a series of original Chinese graded reading books jointly crafted by leading figure in Chinese graded reading, Teacher Sun Bei, in collaboration with frontline education experts, mature picture book authors, and illustrators. These books are meticulously designed for children aged 3 to 9 who are in the literacy and reading-sensitive period. This series, based on the new edition of elementary Chinese language curriculum standards, scientifically formulates grading standards based on the difficulty of characters, words, sentence structures, and semantics. It first establishes a word list for each level using commonly used characters and core high-frequency words for children's reading, then creates brand new illustrated stories to help children master the correct reading methods, easily learn independent reading, and scientifically cultivate reading abilities.

The series is divided into 14 levels according to the range of children's reading vocabulary. The first 8 levels are for pre-school children's reading vocabulary, while the latter 6 levels are for children in grades 1-3 of primary school. The complete series comes with a comprehensive online and offline auxiliary learning system. Offline, it includes a parental guidance manual, while online it provides access to the WeChat mini-program "Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain," offering readers a vast array of online resources such as reading ability assessments, expansion exercises, accompanying audio courses, editor-led video guidance courses, expert guidance articles, experience-sharing articles, and consultation services, all of which use scientific methods to comprehensively guide children towards the pinnacle of reading.

The corresponding book "The Little Lamb Goes Up the Mountain: Children's Graded Chinese Readers Level 3" features vivid and rich stories, incorporating education with entertainment. It covers original stories, classic fairy tales, popular science, and everyday life stories. Compared to the previous two levels, the themes of the stories are deeper, the cognitive difficulty is increased, the genres are more diverse, including diary format and traditional couplets, and the illustrations are delicate and textured. This helps children unconsciously learn Chinese characters suitable for their age while enjoying reading, helping them gain confidence and a sense of achievement, and forming good habits of loving and independently reading.

Additional enrichments include 60 new Chinese characters added in Level 3, with 10 independent stories carefully crafted using 180 core characters commonly used in children's reading. Level 3 consists of 10 books, with the page count expanded from 24 pages to 32 pages per book. The length of the stories is longer, and the sentence length, reading difficulty, and reading volume have all increased.

The series demonstrates strong professionalism: starting from scratch, children can read 30 stories from the first three levels by recognizing 180 Chinese characters, achieving "whole-word recognition" with just a dozen characters. The word lists for each level are based on commonly used characters in daily life and learning, seamlessly integrated with elementary Chinese language textbooks. The difficulty progression between levels is gentle, with familiar words interspersed with new ones, reducing the pressure of character recognition. The methods are clever and interesting, endorsed by over 10 experts in the education, children's literature, and picture book industries.

The series also boasts high literary quality: the stories are polished by experienced picture book authors and children's book editors, featuring rich themes closely related to life. The 10 stories encompass profound themes such as family, growth, courage, and wisdom, helping children become better versions of themselves through reading.

Furthermore, starting from Level 3, children can explore a wider range of literary genres such as diary format and traditional couplets.

The series exhibits strong artistic qualities: top children's book illustrators from both domestic and international arenas were carefully selected to create illustrations, including acclaimed Chinese illustrator Yan Wenli and Polish illustrator Ewa Poklewska, among others. The illustrations are delicate and textured, with fresh and playful colors, greatly enhancing children's reading interest and artistic aesthetics.

The books offer rich multidimensional interactions: each book is accompanied by word recognition mini-games, total word lists, out-of-curriculum word lists, hands-on interactive pages, and certificate pages, facilitating children's self-assessment and giving them a sense of accomplishment. Parental guidance manuals are also provided with the books, offering parents scientific methods of guidance.

The online mini-program provides a wealth of auxiliary learning resources: readers who purchase genuine books can access a wealth of online learning resources by simply scanning a QR code with WeChat, including reading ability assessments, expansion exercises, accompanying audio courses, editor-led video guidance courses, expert guidance articles, experience-sharing articles, and consultation services.


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