Chinese Vocabularies

Learn Chinese online words about broken marriage

破碎的婚姻(pò suì de hūn yīn )  出轨cheat,外遇have an affair,第三者,小三the other man woman

 pò suì de hūn yīn
破 碎  的 婚  姻 
Learn Chinese words about broken marriage



xiǎo sān (or  dì sān zhě )
小   三  (or  第 三  者  ) n.
the other man or woman

tā shì ɡè xiǎo sān (or  tā shì dì sān zhě )
他 是  个 小   三  (or  他 是  第 三  者  )
He is the other man

hónɡ xìnɡ chū qiánɡ
红   杏   出  墙   
having an affair( only for woman) or be unfaithful to one's husband

tā huái yí tā de qī zi hónɡ xìnɡ chū qiánɡ
他 怀   疑 他 的 妻 子 红   杏   出  墙  
He suspected his wife of having an affair

chū ɡuǐ
出  轨  v. cheating on husband or wife

tā chū ɡuǐ le !
她 出  轨  了 !
She is cheating on her husband.

wài yù
外  遇 n.having an affair

tā de qī zi yǒu le wài yù , yào ɡēn tā lí hūn
他 的 妻 子 有  了 外  遇 , 要  跟  他 离 婚
His wife has been having an affair and I have filed for divorce.

rú ɡuǒ nǐ zhànɡ fu huò qī zi yǒu le wài yù , nǐ huì zěn me bàn ?
如 果  你 丈    夫 或  妻 子 有  了 外  遇 , 你 会  怎  么 办  ?
If your husband or wife had an affair what would you do?

lí hūn hái shì yuán liànɡ ?
离 婚  还  是  原   谅    ?
Divorce or forgive?

Keywords:Learn Chinese online words about broken marriage ,Learn Chinese New Words,Chinese Vocabularies, Learn Chinese Grammar, Learn Chinese Measure word,online Chinese classes,Learn Chinese via Skype(ID:MandarinChineseSchool),1 on 1 Chinese lesson,Chinese tutor,learn standard Chinese,WH-questions in Chinese,How to ask and answer questions in Chinese,ask when in Chinese,ask what in Chinese,ask and answer how in Chinese,how long,where in Chinese,who in Chinese,what time in Chinese,how many in Chinese,how much in Chinese,how often in Chinese,用疑问代词提问,用中文问题和回答问题


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