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Chinese Grammar for Beginners - All Verbs from HSK3 Test - Part 1
zhōnɡ wén yú fǎ : HSK3 kǎo shì suó yǒu dònɡ cí
中 文 语 法 : HSK3 考 试 所 有 动 词
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祝 to wish
zhù nǐ shēnɡ rì kuài lè !
祝 你 生 日 快 乐 !
Wish you birthday happy!(Happy Birthday to you!)
zhào ɡù
照 顾
to take care of
qǐnɡ hǎo hao zhào ɡù zì jǐ
请 好 好 照 顾 自 己
Please good take care of yourself.(Please take good care of yourself.)
yù dào
遇 到
to encounter;come across
tā zài jiē shànɡ yù dào liǎnɡ ɡè lǎo pénɡ you 。
她 在 街 上 遇 到 两 个 老 朋 友 。
She at the street come across two old friends.
yǐ wéi
以 为
wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ yǐ jīnɡ zǒu le 。
我 以 为 你 已 经 走 了 。
I thought you already left.
Keywords: Chinese Grammar for Beginners HSK3 ALL Verbs, Learn Chinese Grammar, Learn Chinese Measure word,online Chinese classes,Learn Chinese via Skype(ID:MandarinChineseSchool),1 on 1 Chinese lesson,Chinese tutor,learn standard Chinese,WH-questions in Chinese,How to ask and answer questions in Chinese,ask when in Chinese,ask what in Chinese,ask and answer how in Chinese,how long,where in Chinese,who in Chinese,what time in Chinese,how many in Chinese,how much in Chinese,how often in Chinese,用疑问代词提问,用中文问题和回答问题